Author Archives: Administrator
Milonga Inspiration
Saturday, April 15, 2017 from 7:30 PM – 11:45 PM
Come to dance.. celebrate.. mingle. Meet new people and inspire others to explore this beautiful dance.
D.J. V.V will be mixing the tunes, giving you the canvas for your inspiration to develop.
Entrance $5
Frida Kahlo Mexican Restaurant & Lucy’s Bakery
101 Windflower Ln, Ste 500, Solon, Iowa 52333
Be My Valentine Milonga
Let’s celebrate Valentine’s day with our dancing friends!
Free beginners lesson- 7:00 pm-8:00 pm, followed by milonga.
Guest Instructor- TBA
D.J. V.V.
Saturday, February 18, 2017 from 7 PM – 11:30 PM
Frida Kahlo Mexican Restaurant & Lucy’s Bakery
101 Windflower Ln, Ste 500, Solon, Iowa 52333
General entrance – $ 5
Halloween Tango Milonga
Let’s celebrate Halloween by dancing tango. New venue, great authentic Mexican food and plenty of space to dance around the cauldron. Come if you dare, dance if you care and please… leave your broom outside!
Saturday, October 29 at 7 PM – 11:30 PM
Frida Kahlo Mexican Restaurant & Lucy’s Bakery
101 Windflower Ln, Ste 500, Solon, Iowa 52333
Costumes are optional!
Entrance $ 5
Milonga with live music- August 20th, 2016 at Cannon Studios
The Redwood Tango Duo will be in tour from San Francisco and stopping in Iowa to perform at our monthly milonga.
See flier for more information: REDWOOD TANGO DUO (2)
Tango workshop with Ariel Barrionuevo & Lorena Gasse- Sept 15th-17th, 2016
Dance, mingle, learn, experience & discover all about tango, with great teachers and performers Ariel Barrionuevo & Lorena Gasse.
See flier for full schedule and sign-up information: Lorena and Ariel brochure 3,
To register or for additional info. contact organizer or call # 585-978-0909.
More tango in the New year.
New year is a perfect time to review our goals and set our intentions to make the best effort to achieve them. This can also apply to your tango experience, you may have been attending classes, coming to milongas, and maybe you are even ready to challenge yourself.
Make this year your best tango experience ever, challenging yourself, getting out of your comfort zone, attending more classes-milongas, even planning an out of town trip to another tango community. Whatever you do will not only make you a better dancer, but it will also enhance your tango experience.
As you continue your tango journey, may you also share your passion for tango with friends, they may enjoy discovering a new hobby this year, and you’ll contribute to expanding our tango family. Happy New tango Year 2016!